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How to export a Unity project


How to Export a Finished Unity Project

Exporting a Unity project can seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it becomes a straightforward task. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through every step of the process, from preparation to distribution. So, let’s dive into how you can successfully export your Unity project!

Understanding Unity Projects

Before we jump into the export process, it’s crucial to understand what a Unity project entails. A Unity project consists of various assets, scripts, scenes, and settings that come together to create your game or application. These components need to be properly managed and configured to ensure a successful export.

Preparing Your Project for Export

Preparation is key. Start by checking for errors in your project. Ensure that all scripts are functioning correctly and that there are no missing references or broken links. Optimize your assets by reducing file sizes where possible and ensure that your game runs smoothly.

Configuring Build Settings

Unity offers a variety of build settings to tailor the export process to your needs. Here’s how to configure them:

Platform Selection

Choose the platform you want to export to. Unity supports multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. Selecting the right platform is the first step in the build settings.

Configuring Player Settings

Player settings allow you to customize various aspects of your game, such as the resolution, icon, and splash screen. Navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Player to configure these settings.

Understanding Build Options

Unity provides different build options like Development Build, which includes debugging information, and Release Build, optimized for performance. Choose the one that suits your needs.

Exporting to Different Platforms

Let’s explore how to export to some common platforms:

Exporting to Windows

  1. Go to File > Build Settings.
  2. Select PC, Mac & Linux Standalone and choose Windows.
  3. Click Build and select the destination folder.
How to export your Unity project onto an executable (EXE) game on Windows —  Terresquall Blog

Exporting to macOS

  1. In the build settings, choose PC, Mac & Linux Standalone and select Mac OS X.
  2. Click Build and choose your output location.

Exporting to Android

  1. Ensure you have the Android SDK installed.
  2. Select Android in the build settings.
  3. Configure any necessary player settings specific to Android.
  4. Click Build and Run to export and deploy the APK.

Exporting to iOS

  1. Install the iOS Build Support module.
  2. Choose iOS in the build settings.
  3. Configure your player settings.
  4. Click Build and then open the generated Xcode project to build and deploy.

Exporting to WebGL

WebGL allows you to run your Unity game in a web browser. Here’s how to export:

  1. Select WebGL in the build settings.
  2. Configure the player settings, focusing on optimizing for web performance.
  3. Click Build and choose your export location.
Trouble with WebGL game - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

Advanced Export Options

For more advanced users, Unity offers custom build scripts and asset bundles. Custom build scripts allow for automated build processes, while asset bundles can optimize loading times by grouping assets.

Testing Your Build

Once your project is exported, testing it on the target platform is crucial. Run the build, check for any issues, and debug as necessary. Each platform may present unique challenges, so thorough testing is essential.

Optimizing Build Performance

Performance optimization can greatly enhance the user experience. Consider these tips:

  • Reduce File Size: Compress assets and remove unnecessary files.
  • Improve Load Times: Optimize scripts and assets for faster loading.
  • Optimize Graphics Settings: Balance quality and performance to ensure smooth gameplay.

Distributing Your Build

After testing and optimization, it’s time to distribute your build. Package it appropriately for the platform, upload it to app stores or distribution platforms, and share it with testers and stakeholders.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Exporting a Unity project can come with challenges. Here are some common issues and solutions:

  • Build Errors: Double-check scripts and dependencies.
  • Performance Issues: Optimize assets and settings.
  • Platform-Specific Bugs: Test on multiple devices and configurations.

Backup and Version Control

Always maintain backups and use version control systems like Git. This practice ensures that you can revert to previous versions if something goes wrong during the export process.

Updating and Maintaining Your Exported Project

Once your project is live, you’ll need to manage updates and feedback. Roll out updates carefully, and address bug reports promptly to maintain a smooth user experience.


Exporting a Unity project involves several steps, but with careful preparation and attention to detail, you can successfully share your game or application with the world. Start exporting today and bring your Unity project to life!


How do I fix a build error in Unity? Check the console for error messages and resolve any issues in your scripts or assets. Ensuring that all dependencies are correctly set up can also help.

Can I export my Unity project to multiple platforms at once? Not directly. You need to configure and build for each platform separately due to differing platform requirements and settings.

What should I do if my build is too large? Optimize your assets by compressing images and audio files, remove unnecessary files, and use asset bundles to manage resources more efficiently.

How do I test my build on different devices? Deploy the build to various devices and platforms, using emulators and real hardware to ensure compatibility and performance.

What are some best practices for exporting Unity projects? Regularly backup your project, use version control, optimize assets, and thoroughly test on all target platforms to ensure a smooth export process.

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